Dry Needling and Myofascial Cupping

Dry needling and Myofascial cupping are effective adjunct therapies in the treatment of musculoskeletal complaints. The application of both Dry needling and Myofascial cupping require further training, and can be useful in complementing manual “hands on” therapy you receive from...

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What to expect after an Ankle Sprain

Anatomy of the Ankle The main movement of the ankle is bending the foot upwards and downwards, and there are a number of small bones in the foot that also allow slight rotation and twisting of the foot. There are...

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Undiagnosed Diabetes?

There may be half a million people, right now, in Australia with undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Australia posted some startling figures during Diabetes awareness week last month. Now for those of you who don’t know much about Type 2 diabetes,...

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Osteopathy and Pregnancy – How Osteopathy can play a role

Osteopathic treatment aims to maximise your body's ability to change and support you and your baby with minimum pain and discomfort. Over my many years in practice, one question that I have often been asked is ‘Can osteopathy help during...

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How important is the right pillow in avoiding neck pain and headaches?

Over the years, it is likely that you have woken up at times with a stiff and painful neck, and/or a headache just to top it off. This neck pain can involve many of the tissues in our body, including...

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Could my desk set-up at work be contributing to my back pain?

It is common for people who work in an office environment to experience back pain, neck pain or headaches. The way in which your workspace is set up (i.e. your desk ergonomics) may be a contributing factor as to...

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