R.I.C.E.R. – What does it stand for and why do we do it?

After an injury during sports, at home or at work, what is the best approach to help initiate the healing process? The first 24 – 48 hours can be one of the most important time periods for basic self-treatment of injuries. R.I.C.E.R. can...

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What is a CHEK Exercise Coach program?

Many exercise programs out there are prescribed without taking into account several key factors about people as individuals. In a group of people, you will rarely find that everybody has the same detailed history and daily pressures affecting their body...

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100 years since the death of Dr A.T. Still, the founder of Osteopathy

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Dr Andrew Taylor Still MD, the founder of Osteopathy. It seems fitting to reflect on his life and times. We would like to acknowledge his great contribution to advancing our knowledge about...

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The Power of Turmeric

Turmeric has been used in traditional cooking for hundreds of years, but did you know this root spice has many more health benefits than just a great flavour to add to our meals? Turmeric is a very strong natural anti-inflammatory,...

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What do osteopaths do?

While the word “osteopathy” is often heard, the vast majority of people don’t actually know what osteopathy is, or what osteopaths do. Osteopathy is a form of patient-centred hands-on manual therapy, established in the USA by physician and surgeon Dr Andrew...

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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of traditional medicine using natural remedies and may be used in the management of a variety of illnesses and conditions. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and medications. Homeopathy is used by...

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